Andy rooney christmas quotes
Andy rooney christmas quotes

Share the joy of Christmas to those around you to make your Christmas merrier and brighter.

Andy rooney christmas quotes full#

Merry Christmas and lots of love from our family to yours! May this holiday season be full of surprises and cheers, simply because you deserved the best. In this loveliest of seasons may you find many reasons for happiness. Thinking of you during the holiday season and wishing you the best in all things. Merry Christmas Yuletide is a season of peace, goodwill and abundance of mercy, may the joy of Christ’s birth ignite your heart with gladness and laughter. Retrieved on October 31, 2013.Merry Christmas 2022: Wishes May the light of Christmas be your sun that you may never walk in obscurity I offer you this season’s gifts of Joy and unending testimonies.

andy rooney christmas quotes

Jeff Fager - quoted in " Andy Rooney dead at 92".He loved his life and he lived it on his own terms. It's hard to imagine not having Andy around. It's a sad day at 60 Minutes and for everybody here at CBS News." Longtime CBS newsman Andy Rooney hospitalized". Jeff Fager, Chairman of CBS News and Executive Producer of 60 Minutes - quoted in CNN Wire Staff (October 26, 2011).He'll hate hearing this, but he's an American original. There's nobody like Andy, and there never will be.The original source is a variation on a piece by Sean Morey. Variations of this piece have been misattributed to Andy Rooney, George Carlin, and Woody Allen.You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions - central heating, room service on tap, and then. Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you have no responsibilities. You get ready for High School: drink alcohol, party, and you're generally promiscuous. You work 40 years until you're too young to work. Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension. Then you get kicked out for being too healthy. Then you wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day. "I want to live my next life backwards: You start out dead and get that out of the way.So tonight, for you complaint fans, I have a complaint. They say I havent complained about anything lately. Ive had quite a few complaints lately from people who like it when I complain about things.I wish people who sell things would stop trying to guess how many of something we want to buy.Theres nothing television news likes better than bad weather, and we sure get a lot of it in the United States. President Reagan must be happy over how bad the weather's been this winter, because its the one thing no one's blaming on him.There are more of them and they arent worth what they used to be, even on a good show. Credits in television suffer from inflation. Why, you may ask yourself sometimes, would so many people want to take credit for such a bad show? Well, its just like what's happened to the dollar. At the end of every television broadcast, the names of the people who worked on it are listed.There is nothing confusing about a word like 'dont' printed without an apostrophe to indicate an omitted letter. Punctuation marks are devices we use to make the meaning of sentences clear. We all know the word and it seems foolish to put in an extraneous apostrophe. Because I write my scripts to read myself, I dont spell 'don't' with an apostrophe. The one affectation I have forced on the publisher … are my apostrophe-free ellisions.Republicans believe people are basically bad but they'll be okay if they're left alone. Democrats believe people are basically good but must be saved from themselves by their government.You certainly wouldn't bother to take it to a bank to save it.

andy rooney christmas quotes andy rooney christmas quotes

Once you pass forty, a dime isn't worth bending over to pick up if you drop one.

andy rooney christmas quotes

In New York, there's a Dime Savings Bank.

  • Some banks get stuck with a name that sounded good a hundred years ago when they were founded but sounds kind of silly now.
  • Quotes Arranged in ascending chronological order

    Andy rooney christmas quotes