We have updated the "guesstimated" state and local finances for FY2022-28 as indicated in our " guesstimate" blog entries. The following table shows the difference between estimated and actual local spending and revenue for FY2021: Previously state spending and revenue for FY2021 were actual, and local spending and revenue were estimated. State and local spending and revenue for FY2021 are now actual historical spending as reported by the Census Bureau. The release includes state and local spending for the United States as a whole and the 50 individual states and the District of Columbia. Key Takeaways President Biden’s budget for FY 2022 totals 6.011 trillion, eclipsing all other previous budgets. (See also Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances). On Jwe updated the state and local spending and revenue for FY 2021 using the new Census Bureau State and Local Government Finances summaries for FY 2021 released on June 28, 2023. G - 'guesstimated' projection by įederal: can copy all the text in the textbox by clicking your cursor in Here is the budget table with columns tab-delimited.